Posts in Food + Fitness
42 Pounds

Getting a little raw and vulnerable on the blog tonight. Looking back on the last 13 years, I wonder what else I've gained besides just a bunch of weight. 

I’ve never actually learned how to restrict myself. I never had to learn the discipline of self control when it came to food. I could eat whatever I wanted and the weight would just kind of work itself off. I could just eat a little lighter for a day or two and then I’d be back to my normal weight. But then 35 hit!

Working out is hard. Restriction is hard. Discipline is hard. And what does God think about all of this? Are we free to pack on the pounds or does He have anything to say about this matter?

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I Wore Blue Light Glasses for a Month and Here’s What Happened

I’d heard that the blue light emitted from the screens we stare at for hours a day feed our brains too much of a chemical that yells, “STAY AWAKE,” but I had no idea how much it was actually affecting me.

I feel like I should say that I will make a total of exactly ZERO dollars by sharing this information with you. Amazon doesn’t care about my blog. I just have to share because it made such a drastic difference beginning with the first night I wore them.

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